Practice in Abstract Storytelling


Sourcing from the site • Direct interaction • Minna Tunnel • Mary Street • Tutubi Plaza • Art Felt Experience • Move • Dance • Sing • Write • Draw • Interact • React • Engage • Absorb • Release

Clinics incorporate physicality-sourcing, essence and guts, partnering, improvisation, distillation, imagery, vocalization, theater, text and self and world politics. We will also use visual art taking pencil/pen to large paper, a process of body mapping that reveals maybe what you did not know was there. Interdisciplinary artists welcome.

For performers who dance, sing, act, write, play an instrument or not, and have a strong sense of improvisation as well as technical skills and want to dive further into the creative process of creating and editing material! These workshops will help strengthen your choreographic/sound/text performance ideas into reality with integrity. Bring kneepads, a journal, writing implement and one object that you identify with now in your work and life. *Possible Performance Action Opportunity with Audience Monday Nov.16th PRECARIOUS VISION SERIES at Intersection for the ARTS.

Performance Action Opportunity with Audience
Monday, Nov 16th, 7:30pm
FREE to the public

at Intersection for the Arts


Saturday, October 24
Saturday, November 21

Clinic Times:

Safehouse Arts
One Grove Street
San Francisco, CA

$40 single day
$60 for both days

“Epifano is a long time city performance investigater, ground breaker, flyer in the air, roller on the ground, singer of songs. Epifano has a gift for seduction-a way of fusing unlikely combinations of music, movement and imagery into a lovely and often vivid organic whole.”

San Diego Union Tribune